Pine Mountain Ski & Golf Resort Pine Mountain Ski & Golf Resort

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Pine Mountain Ski & Golf Resort Pine Mountain Ski & Golf Resort

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2023 FIS Continental Cup - Pine Mountain Ski Jump Pine Mountain Ski & Golf Resort

Event Info

  January 1, 1970

From Friday, March 03, 2023 - 11:00am - To Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 05:00pm

The dates for the 2023 FIS Continental Cup have been released!

* Thursday, March 2 9:30-3:30 Open Training
5-8pm Meet The Skiers
(Pine Mt Resort)
* Friday, March 3
1pm Official Training 2 Rounds
* Saturday, March 4
10am Trial Round
11am First FIS Continental Cup Competition (2 rounds)
1pm Opening Ceremony
1:30pm Second FIS Continental Cup Competition (2 rounds)
Awards to follow competition immediately in outrun for both competitions.
* Sunday, March 5
11am Trial Round
1pm Third FIS Continental Cup Competition (2 rounds)
Awards to follow competition immediately in outrun

TIMES MAY CHANGE DEPENDING ON WEATHER.. Listen to FM 106.7 or FM 101.5 for schedule changes (they will announce them)

There will be a SHUTTLE available from BAY COLLEGE on Saturday, March 4th.

Visit to stay up to date on the current information.